Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Free Concerts - Dance, Sing, and Swing

Do you know where to go for wonderful free entertainment? Do you love music and dancing? Do you like to meet new people? Do you look for places the entire family can be entertained? If the answer is yes, read on.

Summer is here in full swing. We’ve had a heat wave that could melt butter and fry and egg without trying. It’s time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors in the early evening when the heat dies down.

I just came from a free concert in my area. They are all over the city on different days and areas. They are at the beaches on the weekends and they rock and roll and attract hundreds of music lovers at each gig.

The park I was in tonight had a great band and singer. They sang various songs and played music going back to the 40’s and worked its way up the ladder ending with popular now music.

It was wonderful watching the people clap their hands and dance in their chairs if they were not out on the dance floor. It was a wonderful evening and the whole family was throughly entertained.

The children dance and run around the park having a great time. The children can dance with their moms and dads and other children. It is a wonderful, positive family fun time together.

They have a short intermission and have a drawing. There were three wonderful baskets to choose from or you could have chosen all three baskets to win in the drawing. All you needed was the right ticket.

Every week there is a different band and singer at numerous parks and beaches around town. The admission is free. You can bring your own food if you like. It is a wonderful time for the family to spend time together.

If you do not have any free concerts in your state start them. They are a wonderful way for the community and family to reach out to each other.

Thank you for reading my article. Please feel free to read any of my numerous articles.