Friday, August 18, 2006

Will the Fighting Ever Stop Knowing the Human Race Probably Not

As we watch the trials and tribulations of the human species one has to ask why they kill themselves. For all of the written recorded history we see fighting and wars. Chaos and controversy, power grabs, Machiavellian Tactics seem to be the way of the human race.

They fight over gold, women, territory, water, cities, oil, gems, religion, politics and they trade in human flesh, diamonds, guns, drugs, arms, oil and currency to secure these things and yet if they would rather join in a common cause and cooperation they could get so much further faster, but alas each time this appears to be working they seem to fall out and start fighting again and then just like Carl von Clauswitz predicts in his book; On War, reciprocal responses ensue and escalate and the battles are remembered for generations one onto the next, but way? Why does mankind kill his own?

Do you think that the Fighting will ever Stop; Indeed, knowing the Human Race probably not? There just seems to be no chance of promoting long-term peace. What is wrong with such an intellectually advanced species, that they feel the need to continue these innate characteristic of the reptilian brain? Surely thru nurture and education we can help these humans understand why wars produce no long-term winners for the human race.