Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Legal Philosophy One Reason to Why Law is the Must

Human is endowed with dignity, equality and other honorable status from birth; if this is the true tendency, why law is the must for our human society?

Initially ever, human has only one reason to make us need law to govern us as individual and our integration into the society. This one reason is: “the difference.” Indeed, we are really different; one may want to be a journalist, while other would want to be an airline pilot, one may want to be a law practitioner and another one thins of law-making as a life profession, etc.

There is nothing wrong in our difference; we are entitled to grow to even our actualization; moreover, difference is good to make our society diverse and competitive. But law is the absolute must for our society, because to make our differences not to affect each other. How our differences would affect each other?

Let’s see a very simple example: for his fame and financial ambition, a journalist may exaggerate the truth and intrude into a politician’s privacy. On the similar track, this politician may commit corruption and obstruct the journalist from knowing and publish his/her corruption scandal. From this very simple example, we do need law to government the differences between journalist and politician.

Another example that I would love to bring is about driving. Everyone wants to reach our destination before or on time. Yes, we are not wrong in driving fast, but the problem is that our fast driving would affect the pedestrian. From this perspective, law is the must to prevent or to solve the problem between the driver and the pedestrian.