Sunday, December 17, 2006

An American Idol Party Ideas and Secrets to Make Your Event a Hit!

Few television programs have captured attention of the media in a way that American Idol has. What a great party theme! American Idol party goods can set the stage and perhaps karaoke could provide the best entertainment for a pre-teen, teen birthday or other get together.
If your guest list or guest of honor dabbles in the performing arts there is sure to be interest in an American Idol theme. In addition to the invitations and party goods there is plenty of room for glamorous but simple decorations. Any fabric store can provide fabulous sparkle and dazzle yard goods. These can simply be spread on the buffet table or greater effort can be given.
For instance, if you want to hold a pseudo American Idol contest to be the entertainment, simple costumes can be made for contestants. A tie on wrap dress can be made up to be passed from one contestant to the next. A glittery sheer is affordable and instantly turns jeans and t-shirt clad participants into the up and coming diva. Fabric or craft stores can also provide sequin type or glitter decorations to sprinkle liberally around the stage or dining tables.
In direct contrast to popular myths about malnourished performers, yours will be well-fed. Prepare popular foods that allow lots of energy for the guests' performances and their over sized imaginations. Fill bowls with potato or tortilla chips and provide lots of chip dips or salsa. Snack trays of raw veggies send the right nutritional message and are particularly appreciated by figure conscious teens.
Since the winning contestant can't come to next week's contest, make sure that an appropriate prize package awaits. Let the guests vote for their favorite contestant in sealed ballots. Ask for an encore performance from the new neighborhood American idol if time allows.