Monday, September 11, 2006

Disassociation Of Mind And Body

Disassociation of mind and body, the spiritual and the physical: is it impossible? They are two totally different things, held together simply by the fact that they exist mutually within a single entity. To be human one has to be both in the world and in the spiritual realm. I, and all beings, am a spirit. I have been placed, by who knows what, in a certain human form, on a certain place on this earth, to fill a particular niche. Perhaps randomly. Perhaps not. It is sad, and strange, how bogged down our spirits are by the world, the physicality of our beings, all that is obvious and impossible to miss. Our physicality is everything that is tangible, and does not have to be guessed at, pondered upon, or assumed. It is everything that we touch, taste, feel, see, hear, smell.

It is how we move around and find our way in this corporeal world. This which we are so overly concerned with pervades our thinking, so much so that we often pay no mind to, in fact even fail to notice or appreciate, the existence of what is beyond that; what is farther than the flesh. I guess that tends to happen when two totally separate worlds (body and spirit) are forced to collide into one being that is both. It is bizarre how we rely so heavily and so totally on that one half (the physical) which is actually the weaker half. It is the half that is restricted immensely - by gravity, size, mass, the laws of nature, entropy, and the space-time continuum. Yet our other half, for all we know, is limitless. It stretches beyond what we know and is virtually impervious to destruction. Why do we continue to deny the part of us that is so limitless and so free.