Friday, October 27, 2006

Is Your Health/Fitness Sinking or Swimming

Did you know that when you are eating properly & have enough fiber in your diet that your waste will float in the toilet. Are you floating or sinking?

The eating of plenty of fresh raw fruits & vegetables will not only provide life-producing enzymes for health maintenance, but the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, & fibers for a healthy colon. When you go to the bathroom, it should only be a long trip if you want to steal away for some quiet time away from the family or some moments of peace of mind or reading - not because you need the time to eliminate. Your solid waste elimination process can & should be just as quick as the process of urination, & it should be at least 1 or more times a day.

There are some people who eliminate waste only once or twice a week or even a month. These people need a serious overhaul of their eating habits & /or their colon.

If you are having an elimination problem, try natural sources of help like prunes, prune juice, psyllium or senna tablets. Psyllium is a natural fiber that can help with the elimination process. Senna provides a gentle stool-softening effect rather than the harsh effect of some laxatives. Natural foods & remedies should always be our first choice of action. You should try your local health food store & /or try a naturapathic doctor for advice on foods & other remedies & make some lifestyle changes vs. quick fixes might help for the short run. If you keep on doing what you're doing, you will keep on getting what you're getting.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, & the Life (John 14:6) & when we seek Him w/our whole hearts, we will find the truth & the help that we need for every area of our life.

Poets & Poems Blessing of the Poem

1) Anne Sexton: poems come from the abyss, painfully, and a life obviously as scornful; literary they could use some substance other than nakedness.

2) Howard Nemerov: good lyricism, one of the poets I ran after in my early days in college to read and try to understand. He writes well, yet I find there is usually something missing, perhaps they need to march to the end of the road (His poems).

3) Allen Ginsberg: when he was in his 20s, he wrote his best works, thereafter, he lost it to good taste, and good sense, which he had none of, and traded it for pleasure, and a warped mind, God help the reader.

4) E.E. Commings: Cummings poetry is Cummings! That is, more so than most poets; if you have read one of his poems, you’ve read most of them; a good and genuine poet indeed, perhaps uncompromising, but I get bored after a few of his poems, unfortunately.

5) Gary Snyder: Academic poetry, but in the middle (the beatnikism era): he hugs Zen as so many did back then; I was at the end of that era. He used his techniques correctly, for who he is (or was): sharp, clear and detached poetry.

Commentary on Poetry: “Blessing of the Poem”:

There is nothing on earth that can equal the hard scraping profound labor and stirring of ones blood, and sense of sanctification that a good poem can offer.

That new promising poem, felt in the middle of silence, in the corner of the night, sticking to your mind and ribs until it finds its way out of your box and into the literature world; faint at first, then like the radiation of an atomic bomb.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Graduation Invitations For Friends And Family

Normally high schools and colleges offer graduation invitations for their students, but they can become pricey. If you only need a few invitations to mail to friends and family then it might be easier to make them yourself. With technology these days you can easily find your son or daughters high school mascot.

If you decided to go this route with your graduation invitations you'll want them to look as professional as you can. Starting with what type of wording you'll use for your graduation invitations. You want to make sure you spell out every date and the year. This will make your invites look well wrote and professional. You can also find great cursive fonts on line to use that will make your invites look even better.

You'll have to send you your graduation invitations at least three weeks before you're graduation. This way everyone can be prepared to come. You can also place a RSVP, this way you can know who will be coming and how many tickets you going to need to get from your school.

Now whom do you send your graduation invitations to family on both sides and of course friends. Now with this being invites to see you graduate you need to make sure that they know that you add in that they are welcome to come and see you walk across the stage.

You might not be able to invite everyone with your graduation invitations. The high school or college might have a limit on how many you can invite. If that is the case you can make your invitations look like an announcement, though you are going to have to make sure that those who are invited know that they are by glancing at the card.

Now that you've finished with your graduation invitations finished it's just time to walk across the stage!

What Kind Of Party Supplies You Need For Any Party

Can't decide what kind of party supplies you need for the party you are throwing. Planning a birthday party or an anniversary party? For such parties you'll have to make sure you have tables, tables are one thing you can decorate easily with just some tablecloths. Plastic ones are cheaper and you throw them away if they get messy. If you are planning something a little more high scale find some clothe tablecloths, they can be washed and used again.

Most craft stores will have all types of party supplies, if you go to your closest one you might find everything you need for any type of party. from table clothes to streamers. You might even find some great ideas that you didn't think of while in the store.

If you don't find the party supplies you were looking for at the craft store sometimes the local dollar stores will have some party supplies. Again they might have something you weren't expecting to find.

The next step you can take for your party supplies is to find some kind of centerpiece for your tables. Maybe a grouping of balloons or stuff animals if your doing a kids party. From there you can add balloons to the entrance and around the room, or yard. Streamers are also a great party supplies. They can be placed around the tables, windows, draped around the ceiling.

Finding great party supplies shouldn't be a hassle, let yourself think of things that you wouldn't have thought of before. Wander around your local craft store and see what extra creative things you can find to make. If you're welling to send extra money, you might even find some great already made items. Keep in mind that your goal is to have a fun party for everyone that comes!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Master Time Management with Yet Another 7 Time Management Tips

Welcome to the third in a series of four articles on ways to improve your time management skills. Time management is a hot topic these days. With more pressure on most of us to do more with less, we are constantly turning to gurus in this area to try and improve our time management skills. Here are seven more tips to help you in your quest to master your time usage.

If you missed the first two articles, look for them under the titles of Master Time Management with 7 Time Management Tips and Master Time Management with 7 More Time Management Tips. After you’ve read this one, look for Master Time Management with a Final 7 Time Management Tips.

15.Never assign work to a pending category when it should be dealt with on the spot.

The danger with a “pending” tray is that it can become the easy way out – you consequently delay making decisions that could be made immediately. Avoid the temptation to develop a massive “Pending” tray (or one at all, for that matter) by making immediate decisions on all incoming mail and tasks. Try to handle a piece of paper only once (twice at the most if once is impossible).

16.Try to streamline the use of forms, procedure manuals and other low return activities.

We live in an age of legislation overload. Many organizations and individuals have created huge systems which require excessive amounts of time and energy to maintain simply because they fear what might happen if they don’t. In many cases, the forms, systems and processes are totally unnecessary. Try to focus on the KISS (keep it simple silly) principle whenever you can. Use one form rather than two. Keep hand written file notes rather than print out computer generated pages. Only get signatures when absolutely necessary. Get expert advice on what can be streamlined if you must, but make streamlining a priority for you and your team.

17.Keep meeting short, well organized and on-topic or don’t meet at all.

Meetings are the number one time waster in every organization in the world – or that’s the way most meeting participants will describe them. Before you call a meeting or agree to attend yet another meeting, ask yourself the following:

*Has a concise, on topic agenda been sent to all participants?
*Do meetings start and finish at the schedules times?
*Are decisions made and responsibilities assigned for each item covered in the meeting?
*Are concise minutes of each meeting sent within a reasonable time?
*Do you need to attend the meeting or can this responsibility be delegated?
*Have the meetings ceased to serve the purpose for which they were originally established?
*Are only those who really need to be present invited?

18.Make sure you have (or are acquiring) the skills and other essential resources for all jobs you must tackle.

The last twenty years have seen tremendous changes in the workplace, with most offices now using standard equipment that did not exist two decades ago. A large variety of electronic and computing equipment is now within reach of all businesses and there is no excuse for not taking advantage of these time saving devices. The same applies to your own skills. Make sure you have the skills you need to do your job efficiently and effectively. If you don’t either acquire the skills as soon as possible, or find some one else to do that task for you.

19.Communicate, communicate, communicate!

As a manager, you will be in frequent receipt of information which is not normally accessible to your staff. It is very easy to overlook the importance of providing your staff with such information. Keeping your staff informed, either on an informal basis or through say, weekly meetings, will not only keep them in touch with organisational developments, but will also positively motivate them in their work, as it will give them an increased sense of being part of the team.

20.Don’t allow indecision to paralyze you.

Continual indecision might have worse repercussions than abiding by a decision and subsequently discovering that your rejected alternative was preferable after all. If finding it hard to make a particular decision, you may benefit by asking yourself the following questions:

*Have I made this decision bigger and more stressful than it needs to be?
*What is the worst thing that can happen if I make the wrong decision?
*Do I have an exaggerated fear of failure?
*Is my indecision related to my difficulty in being assertive with those people who will be affected by the subsequent decision?
*Have I properly explored the various possible solutions for this problem or am I caught in a rigid line of thinking?

21.Don’t allow your team members to become too dependant on you – empower them to make their own decisions as appropriate.

This is applies to delegated tasks just as much as their own areas of responsibilities. When team members come to you with problems or questions – you have two options. Give them the immediate answer, or direct them to where they can find their own answers. The second option is more time consuming initially, but a better long term strategy for developing independent, skilled and confident team members. In the long run, this frees you up to do more of the important tasks you should be doing.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Learn to Eat Healthier And Reap The Benefits

Your body depends upon the fuel that you put into it. Not fueling up with the right things can make a big difference in how your feel and how your body performs. Healthy eating is very important, but there are other things that can affect your performance as well.

Some healthy eating myth busters are listed below.

1. An empty stomach and working out. If your stomach is growling, you need to listen. If you do not listen, you are making your body run without any fuel. Always eat a light snack, such as a piece of fruit, before exercising or doing any other physical activity.

2. Depending upon energy drinks and bars. These are fine for every once in a while, but they do not have the antioxidants that you need to help prevent cancer and other health problems. Fruit and vegetables are a great way to get your needed vitamins, minerals, fluid, and fiber, all in one place.

3. Breakfast skipping. This is never a very good idea, because breakfast is the very first meal of the day. Your body needs that fuel after not eating during the night, and without it, you will be hungry and your body will be low on fuel throughout the day, which can cause physical symptoms.

4. Eating low carb. Carbohydrates are needed for your body's muscles and in the storing of energy.

5. Eating what you want to eat. Even if you do eat healthy and exercise it does not give you a pass to eat just anything that you want to eat. Everyone's body needs the same nutrients from fruits and vegetables, whether you exercise or not.

6. Not eating enough calories. Losing weight too quickly is not safe. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week to be safe. Make sure that you give your body enough calories to keep your body working in tip-top condition. If you start losing weight quicker than you should then you probably need to eat a little more food.

7. Don't drink alcohol or sodas. Active people need to drink juice, milk, or water for maximum health. Don't rely on thirst as your indicator, drink often. By the time you begin feeling thirsty, your body is already beginning to get dehydrated.

Deciding to change how you eat is a great step in making yourself healthier and increasing your body's performance. The healthier that you eat, the better that you will feel and the more efficiently your body will work. It does not matter what age you are. Healthy eating can start at any time. If you give it a chance you will find yourself feeling better in no time!

Balloon Party Lights Turn Your Party Into A Light Show!

Balloon Party Lights are the latest and greatest rage for parties and special events. Never heard of them? You will - and soon. This innovation in party lighting is sweeping the globe.

Balloon lights are wildly popular in Australia and Sweden, among others, and are currently being used for large functions in the United States. I believe they will soon be as common at celebrations as a cake and candles!

What IS a balloon light, you say? It is a small brilliant LED (light-emitting-diode) unit, placed inside ordinary latex or helium balloons, which when activated, turns your party into a veritable light show! Simply insert one into a latex balloon containing air or helium, twist to activate, and watch the fun begin!

Balloon lights can be set to provide constant or blinking light, all from the same unit, for spectacular effects. (The way batteries are inserted will determine if it blinks or not.) They also come in a variety of colors and are reusable.


KIDS PARTIES- Tie a bunch to your mailbox to show where the party is!

SLUMBER PARTIES - No nightlight needed - let balloon lights glow as your kids sleep!

PARTY FAVORS - Kids will want to take them home after the party, so add them to your goodie bags.

WEDDINGS - Turn your wedding decor into a unique and classy fantasy setting with bright white balloon lights ! Add a few in the color of your wedding party for a special personal touch.

WATER ACCENT - Balloon lights are waterproof and can also be used underwater in pools, fountains... even in your cocktail bowl!

EVENING POOL PARTIES - Float balloons in your swimming pool that sparkle and and blink the night through.

LIGHT A PATH - Use to light a twinkling garden path or to illuminate special features of your garden.

TABLE DECORATIONS - Tuck a few balloon lights inside your centerpiece to give it a special glow.

BALLOON ARCHES - Welcome guests to your party with a fanciful illuminated balloon arch!

BALLOON SCULPTURES - Add a whole new dimension to balloon creations with the use of light.


Balloon lights can be used for so much more than parties. Here are some twists on the traditional:

LIGHT UP THE NIGHT - RC Enthusiasts attach balloon lights to their planes, cars, and boats to light them up for nighttime runs.

GUIDING LIGHT- Tie a lit balloon to your child's wrist or stroller - they'll never get lost!

YOUR MESSAGE IN LIGHTS - Spell out someone's name, a message, a wedding proposal, whatever - by attaching balloon lights to a wall, fence or other flat surface.

For example: Spell out "USA" in red, white and blue balloon lights for a Fourth of July display.

HALLOWEEN DECOR - Place balloon lights inside carved pumpkins and luminarias and set outside on Halloween night. Safer than ordinary tea lights, and they last longer, too.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS - Place in greenery on mantel or staircase for a warm glow. Scatter in snow on your lawn for a magical holiday feel. Highlight your manger scene.

FROSTY WITH A TWIST - Make your snowman unique by adding lighted buttons or glowing eyes.

SPORTING EVENTS - Cheer your team on as they burst onto the field through an illuminated balloon arch. Or, highlight your concession stand with balloon lights in bunches to boost your sales.

TRADE SHOW BOOTHS - Make your booth stand out from the crowd by showcasing your company or product in balloon lights. A bunch of flashing balloons will make you the star of the show. No wires to deal with either.

CAR DEALERSHIPS - Tie lit balloons from cars to attract customers. They'll stop in just to see how they work!

Whichever way you use them, balloon lights are a fantastic accent and conversation piece for any celebration, special event or anyplace people gather.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Consumers Need Protection From Payment Protection Insurance

A year after the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) began investigating the widespread mis-selling of payment protection insurance (PPI), the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has, for the first time, fined a mortgage broker for selling the policies to customers who either did not need them, or on which they could not claim.

The FSA judged in the landmark case that many of those who were sold PPI policies would be likely to have their claims excluded due to pre-existing medical conditions, or already had cover in place from previous mortgages or life insurance. The FSA concluded that the Bournemouth based Regency, which specialises in selling "right-to-buy" mortgages to customers who usually find it difficult to obtain standard credit, did not make sufficient checks on its customers' full circumstances in order to make a suitable sale. This meant that customers had been sold policies that would never be able pay out, regardless of future events, thus making them worthless as protection for the policy holders.

The OFT started their investigation following a 'super complaint' by the Citizens' Advice into the PPI industry which a year ago had an estimated 20 million policies in force and was producing an annual revenue that was in excess of £5 billion. According to Citizens’ Advice Director of Policy, Teresa Perchard:

“People buy payment protection insurance because they are looking for peace of mind. Given the scale of borrowing in the UK and the amount of money consumers spend on PPI, it is vitally important that they get a product that gives them this and meets their needs at a fair price.”

Citizens' Advice put forward the complaint believing the mis-selling of PPI was endemic throughout the finance industry, with policies being too expensive and often not providing appropriate cover to those most vulnerable. In its investigations, the FSA found that a third of the firms surveyed were indeed mis-selling this type of cover, prompting the OFT to launch its own formal investigation in April 2006.

Since this time many PPI providers appear to have continued to be complacent. Mortgage and life insurance comparison site, Moneynet, states that: “Many consumer groups having expressed concerns about low claims ratios, high commission rates, price differentiations and product variations, increasing numbers of customers will seek compensation.”

British Insurance representative, Simon Burgess, stated that, “Consumer and regulatory reports tell us that PPI profits are too high and customers are receiving poor value products, so companies shouldn't be surprised when they receive a barrage of compensation claims.”

With threats of future mass compensation claims, along with the news of the recent fine levied on Regency as well as FSA warnings that other firms are being investigated, hopefully other firms will succumb to pressure and change their selling practices.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

How To Get Reprints Of Some Of The Greatest Art Ever Created

Art has long been a favorite pastime. Just as long as it has been around people have been collecting paintings and original pieces of many different mediums, many of which are hard to find and expensive to purchase. In recent years interest in collections has grown enormously among people of all ages. With the explosion of desire in finding collectable pieces, some have turned to a new sort of collection, collecting art posters.

Although it has been possible for years to find reprints of famous pieces, not until recently have reprints developed actual value. The entrance of collecting these posters has made it possible for anyone to collect famous works and has changed the reprint business all together. Art posters are reprints of original famous and unknown art and can range from the Mona Lisa to a movie advertisement poster.

With the renewed interest in collecting these new pieces, though it may be reprints only, collecting art posters have raised prices and led to poster auctions. These auctions are similar to other collectible auctions in that you can bid on great works, the main difference is in regular auctions you are generally buying an original whereas in poster auctions you are purchasing reprints on posters. The popularity of poster auctions has exploded too. People are beginning to pay between $100 to $2000 or more to purchase a reprint poster of certain works.

Famous paintings are not the only works available for purchase at art poster auctions. You can also find movie posters and advertisement posters. People are seeking older advertisement posters the most. If you have an advertisement in poster form in good condition from the first half of the twentieth century it may be worth a bit of money at a poster auction.

These poster auctions are not only popular in the United States. Collecting posters at auction have become a worldwide favorite pastime. People are searching the planet to find certain posters and as a result the prices at these types of auctions are on the rise.

Music posters are also gaining popularity at the art poster auctions. Although not yet as expensive as other types, in the near future we may find the price just as high for music concert posters as any other kind. As long as the interest in poster collecting continues, these auctions will continue to grow and so will the price of reprints. More and more people are enjoying the beauty of a variety of artists thanks to this popular pastime. Every generation has collections that has made the art famous and these new posters are the collections of the 21st century.

Why You Should Always Have A Budget When Planning A Party

We all love throwing parties on special occasions and want it to be a great success. Planning a party is the most difficult part. You can get ideas from other parties that you have attended, but always make sure that you never emulate the ideas or themes. The best part about your party should be the originality and the uniqueness, making people remember it for a long time. However, big successful parties demand a lot of money and heavy expenditure, which is not possible for most of us. Thus it is important to plan the budget before organizing the party.

To begin with, you should always lay down a practical budget and stick to it. You can ask your friends to help you organize and plan the party. Your friends who are creative can give you unique ideas, which can be used for the party. If they are good artists, ask them to design or create reasonable invitation cards. If you are having a theme party, your artistic friends can make a huge backdrop for the party making it look very different.

Friends who are disc jockeys or have an incredible music collection or a karaoke machine can help you with setting up the music for the party. If you are falling short of lights to decorate your venue, request your friends to lend you their Christmas lights, instead of buying more lights. The best way to cut down the expenses is to borrow from friends and family.

Usually during parties, we spend an enormous amount of money on food. Thus another way to cut down the expenses of your party is to limit the amount to be spent on food. You should throw your party at a time of the day when people have already eaten. For instance a party after lunch will be very reasonable, as you can offer only snacks, which will help reduce the cost of the party. Or a late night party, when people have already finished their diner is also a good choice. If you are serving only snacks, they can be made at home, to cut the costs further. The key is to serve simple and easy snacks.

Decorating the venue also demands a lot of money. Thus you should keep the theme simple and innovative, to avoid heavy expenditure. You could decorate your party with streamers, balloons, ribbons and so on, which are very cost effective. If you have Christmas lights at home, they can be used in making the place look very bright. Always use your imagination and creativity to cut down on the expenditure and use as many substitutions as you can.

An expensive party doesn't always have to be successful. The important factor of a party is to have fun, which is possible even in low budget parties. You just have to be creative, original and well organized to have a successful party.